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Contains information about any DXF entity.

TagSpecifies the type of DXF entity. It is used for internal needs only.
CountSpecifies the number of child entities (for BLOCK, POLYLINE etc). For simple entities such as LINE it is always 0.
FlagsSpecifies the flags byte for different entities, such as LAYER, BLOCK, POLYLINE etc. Has individual meaning for each entity type. For details see AutoCAD DXF Reference.
StyleSpecifies the pen style for drawing this entity:PS_SOLID PS_DASH,PS_DOT,PS_DASHDOT,PS_DASHDOTDOT
SelfTypeSpecifies the boundary type for closed entities.
ColorSpecifies color value for this entity.
ThicknessSpecifies a pointer for style object.
RotationSpecifies the rotation angle in degrees for TEXT or INSERT.
GlobalWidthSpecifies the global width for LWPOLYLINE.
TextPoints to null-terminated string specifying the text value for text entities (TEXT and MTEXT).
PointSpecifies the reference point for this entity. For details see AutoCAD DXF Reference, group codes 10,20,30.
Point1Specifies the second reference point for entities such as LINE, TEXT or ELLIPSE. For details see AutoCAD DXF Reference, group codes 11,21,31.
Point2, Point3Specifies the third and fourth points for SOLID.
RadiusSpecifies the radius value for CIRCLE and ARC or ratio of minor axis to major axis for ELLIPSE.
StartAngle, EndAngleSpecify the angle values in degrees for ARC and ELLIPSE.
BlockSpecifies the block handle for INSERT.
ScaleSpecifies the X-, Y- and Z-scale values for INSERT.
FHeightSpecifies the character height for text entities (TEXT and MTEXT).
FScaleSpecifies the relative X scale factor (ratio of character width to character height) for text entities.
RWidthSpecifies the reference rectangle width for MTEXT.
RHeightSpecifies the reference rectangle height for MTEXT.
HAlignSpecifies the horizontal alignment for text entities:0 = Left; 1= Center; 2 = Right.
VAlignSpecifies the vertical alignment for text entities: 0 = Baseline; 1 = Bottom; 2 = Middle; 3 = Top.
PointsPoints to array of DexpPOINT for POLYLINE, LWPOLYLINE and HATCH. The number of points is specified by Count.



TdxfExportData = packed record
Tag: Word;
Count: Word;
Flags: Byte;
Style: Byte;
SelfType: Byte;
Color: LongWord;
StyleObject: Pointer;
Thickness: Single;
Rotation: Single;
GlobalWidth: Single;
Text: string;
Point: TexpPoint;
Point1: TexpPoint;
Point2: TexpPoint;
Point3: TexpPoint;
case Integer of
0: (Radius, StartAngle, EndAngle: Single);
1: (Block: THandle; Scale: TexpPoint);
2: (HAlign,VAlign: Byte; RWidth, RHeight, FHeight, FScale: Single);
3: (Points: TList);
4: (Bold, Italic: Byte; FName: PChar);
5: (PolyPoints: TList);